Saying Goodbye to “home”

September 30, 2021 We spent the past two weeks making memories with friends and family members.  I went to an outdoor yoga class at our local farm.  It was my first outdoor yoga class and I was suprised at how much more wonderful and fulfilling it felt.  At the time, I ascribed this to the value of doing yoga outside in a beautiful natural environment.  Looking back a bit, I now wonder if this also had something to do with me beginning to feel more free and relaxed as well before I even got there.  The feeling of serenity was regrettably cut short when…

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I Start To Change

September 18, 2021 I spaced these out a bit more as we are not on the road again yet so there is not a lot happening for travel and exploration these days. However, this time with especially my mother and best friend has been invaluable. Its been just over a month since I left my full time job and I have already noticed changed in my stress level, outlook, and even my personality. I feel like I can slow down to appreciate things more fully. I can listen more deeply. I can do more for others. I feel wonderful and happy and free as…

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Selling the house

September 1, 2021 On August 24th we headed towards home in Douglas, MA. We accepted an offer on our home while in PA and we were coming home to finish emptying it and wrap up everything we needed to before heading off on the road full time. The drive home from PA had some challenges from dumping in a tight area that was tough to maneuver and being detoured through a busy town with lots of traffic. By the time we managed to get home and Luke backed the camper into the driveway, I was a panicky mess. The difficult part and the doubts…

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