Pioneer Day in Escalante

July 25, 2022 This week has some changes as more of my co-workers left or had their last day of work and are preparing to leave.  We also had some new people join the team this week that I am just beginning to get to know.  We learned some things about our town of Escalante and attended the rodeo in town to celebrate Pioneer Day which is a big holiday around here.  We’ve had some more stormy afternoons, but no big monsoons with significant flash flooding again yet.  At least we get a lot of rainbows. I shall begin with the Box Death Hollow…

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Connecting with Nature in Utah

July 18, 2022 This week started and ended on Hell’s Backbone road.  Luke and I drove the whole road this time and got to the part where there is a one lane bridge traversing the top of a cliff ridge and overlooking Box Death Hollow on both sides.  This road is not for the faint of heart, but the views are so spectacular.  Luke did some droning while we were there and I tiptoed to the edge to take a photo with my phone. I worked for a good bit of the week this week as many of my co-workers are sick so they…

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Settling into the Heat of Summer

July 11, 2022 The day has finally come that I have planned my first trip back to New England to visit family and friends.  It will have been almost a year since I have seen most of them by the time I go there in late September.  I have had my mom visit twice since I’ve been on the road, but have not seen my father, siblings, or old friends.  My little brother is getting married so it is something I couldn’t miss.  I only hope my flight does not get cancelled!  I’ve told a few family members that I’m coming in a couple…

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A Week of Celebrations

July 4, 2022 What a great week it was with lots of adventure!  I’m still set on the idea of building a community here with my fellow work campers and have been talking to everyone about it.  They all seem excited about the idea and just talking about it has caused some contagion effect where others are being more social.  The only bummer is that I may have started this movement too late.  Many of my co-workers have plans to move on in the near future so we are enjoying each other’s company before they go and hopefully will have a small, but mighty…

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